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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Action Alert

Action Alert From "The Nation" Magazine:

Stop U.S. Nuclear Proliferation Urge your Congressmen to support Lynn Woolsey’s resolution H. Res.373.
Scorning the legacy of this month's 60th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, President Bush has launched a systematic assault on the Non-Proliferation Treaty, a pact signed by nearly 200 nations.
In a recent opinion piece in The Guardian, George Monbiot wrote:
“Last month the Senate approved an initial $4m for research into a ‘robust nuclear earth penetrator’ (RNEP). This is a bomb with a yield about 10 times that of the Hiroshima device, designed to blow up underground bunkers that might contain weapons of mass destruction. (You've spotted the contradiction.) Congress rejected funding for it in November, but Bush twisted enough arms this year to get it restarted. You see what a wonderful world he inhabits when you discover that the RNEP idea was conceived in 1991 as a means of dealing with Saddam Hussein's biological and chemical weapons.”
But on July 20 Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey introduced a resolution calling for the president to fulfill his obligation to the Non-Proliferation Treaty by beginning "verifiable and irreversible reductions in the United States strategic and tactical nuclear weapons and their delivery systems." "There will be no security for America or our world," Woolsey said, "unless we take all steps necessary for nuclear disarmament."
Woolsey's H.Res.373 aims to fulfill one of the objectives outlined in the Promise: "To re-build US alliances around the world, restore international respect for American power and influence, and reaffirm our nation's constructive engagement in the United Nations and other multilateral organizations." Woolsey’s voice is especially critical at this moment when America's international relations continue to be sullied by the unilateral arrogance of Bush and Bolton.

Please write to your representatives and urge them to support Woolsey’s resolution.

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