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Thursday, September 28, 2006

Gutless Congress Brings All Of America Into Thier Swamp

A complete lack of courage in the U.S. Senate has allowed America to sink to a new low. Bin Laden must feel he has accomplished what he set out to do. The Bush torture bill was pasted and will be signed into law. The Republicans have their way again and the Democrats were too chickenshit to filibuster. Where the hell is the Democratic leadership? Anybody that believes this is a good bill is a dupe.

On the question do you favor:
(1) allowing the President to define torture,
(2) strip the court of judicial review via habeas corpus (even though the constitution does not allow you to except in cases of invasion or Rebellion)
(3) allowing the President to jail American citizens arbitrarily and without court review

All Spineless Republicans voted YEA except 2.
The Spineless Democrats voting YEA:
Tom Carper (Del.)
Tim Johnson (S.D.)
Mary Landrieu (La.)
Frank Lautenberg (N.J.)
Bob Menendez (N.J)
Bill Nelson (Fla.)
Ben Nelson (Neb.)
Pryor (Ark.)
Jay Rockefeller (W. Va.)
Ken Salazar (Co.)
Debbie Stabenow (Mich.)
Joe Lieberman (Conn.) WAKE UP CT

Republicans voting NAY:
Chafee (R-RI)
Snowe (R-ME) Did Not Vote (attending funeral)

Jeffords (I-VT)

The pathetic thing here is this law will NEVER stand up in court. All these shitheads know it. They also know it will take years to work it's way through the courts. Instead of doing what's right they come with this bullshit.

Comments on "Gutless Congress Brings All Of America Into Thier Swamp"


Blogger Tahoma Activist said ... (8:50 PM) : 

We need to know why those Democrats voting for this stinkbomb. Some don't even face an election this fall. What are they thinking?


Blogger researcher said ... (4:54 PM) : 

Anybody who represented by these Senators need to write and ask for an explanation.


Blogger Pam said ... (2:40 PM) : 

I wrote my DEMOCRATIC congressman asking for an explanation and chastising him but response yet.

My Repug senators are Bu$h's whipping boys...whenever I write them, they respond with some swill acting as if I agreed with them. "Rest assured ma'am, we will torture every Muslim, or anyone who even looks slightly like a Muslim, to within an inch of their life, guilty or not!!"

This whole bill is about ass covering. Now that is was temporarily legal, the chances of Bu$hCo getting prosecuted in the future is greatly lessoned. And - there's a bonus. If it is turned over in the courts it gives more "activist judge" blather to get the RR all worked up over. Cause Jesus wants us to torture, you know.

They all make me ILL!!


Blogger researcher said ... (3:30 PM) : 

I agree completely Pam, this was all about covering ass. It will never hold up in court. I’m just hoping and praying that no more Supreme Court justices need to be replaced while Bush is still in office. That will set this country back a generation.


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