If Bush can't torture he will veto
Bush has threatened to veto the military spending bill that just passed in the Senate and is headed to the House. This is due to an amendment that would regulate the detention, interrogation and treatment of prisoners held by American military forces. The 90-9 vote requires that U.S. troops use only specific, Army-authorized interrogation techniques on prisoners. Sponsored by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the amendment may be blocked now that the bill has gone to the House. Some Republicans will likely push for the provision to be dropped from the spending bill in a House-Senate conference committee. White House officials said that an anti-torture amendment would limit the president's ability to pursue the war against terrorism. Therefore, the president will veto the spending bill that passed in the Senate last week if the amendment is included in the final version approved by Congress. More at: Brattleboro Reformer |
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