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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Why did Judy Miller "vacation" at Jackson Hole?

Judy Miller has written her account of her testimony in the CIA leak investigation. During the testimony she was asked about the letter she received from Scooter Libby. It is now known that Libby was at least one of the sources of the leak. He sent a letter to Miller while she was in jail for refusing to testify in the case. Libby's letter was suppose to encourage her to testify.
From her account:

Mr. Fitzgerald asked me to read the final three paragraphs aloud to the grand jury, he then focused on the letter's closing lines.

"Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already be turning,
they turn in clusters,
because their roots connect them."

How did I interpret that? Mr. Fitzgerald asked.

In answer, I told the grand jury about my last encounter with Mr. Libby. It came in August 2003, shortly after I attended a conference on national security issues held in Aspen, Colo. After the conference, I traveled to Jackson Hole, Wyo. At a rodeo one afternoon, a man in jeans, a cowboy hat and sunglasses approached me. He asked me how the Aspen conference had gone. I had no idea who he was.

"Judy," he said. "It's Scooter Libby."

The " interconnected roots" is an interesting line. Something else though, it seems like quite a coincidence that Ms Miller headed to Jackson Hole, home of Darth Vader, aka Dick Cheney. She just happened to run into Cheney’s chief of staff at a “rodeo”.

Do you think maybe Ms Miller had anything else to talk about at the rodeo? Do you think Ms Miller and Scooter might have visited the Cheney mansion in Jackson Hole?

Another tidbit is Cheneys house is located in a neighborhood called The Aspens.

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