Ashcroft Attacks 9-11 Commission
![]() We now know Ashcroft was briefed about al-Qaida after Rice in July of 2001. Ashcroft started flying in a private jet after that briefing. Why do you suppose that was? Think Progress |
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George W. Bush, May 24, 2005
![]() We now know Ashcroft was briefed about al-Qaida after Rice in July of 2001. Ashcroft started flying in a private jet after that briefing. Why do you suppose that was? Think Progress |
Comments on "Ashcroft Attacks 9-11 Commission"
I didn't know that about asscroft and the private planes. Certainly gives one pause.
He couldn't beat a dead guy in Missouri. Great pick for attorney general *sarcasm*. Although his replacement seems to be less boob-obsessed but no better in other areas.
Pam, I should have made a link to a story about the jet, here's one. I better update the post. It's becoming a story again due to Woodward's book.
His replacement, Alberto, is far worse I believe.
(now how do I make that link) :)
Didn't Ashcroft cover Justice's breast with a very large, very expensive curtain??
Ashcroft was a putz. I bet he brought Carnahan's plane down. When he didn't win that seat, Georgie boy stuck him in the A.G.'s office.
Coinkydink? I don't think so.
Ashcroft scared the beejeezus out of me, but you are right Alberto is far worse. He is like crazy eyed with power.
(or is that Laura?)
He spent $8000 for a burka, I mean "drapes" to cover up one exposed breast. He could have just done his press conferences in a different spot, but he's a moron.
As a woman and a mother who breastfed, the fact that he thinks breasts are "offensive"...OFFENDS me!!
hmmmm....same summer that Condi took her name off the Tanker as well...
( there was also a VIDEO - ABL [july 2001] sent that summer-which we heard about at the 911 Hearings they asked Condi about it the same day they asked her about the August 6th memo...yet the 911 didn't put in the book..)
There are a lot of unanswered questions (or rather answered but not reported) from the 9-11 commission. They are slowly dripping out.