Show me the money
$9 Billion dollars is missing in Iraq, that's $9 billion. It is beyond belief that there is not outrage from both parties about this waste. Bush just keeps coming back for more money and Congress gives it to him, to be "patriotic" of course. The Center for Strategic and International Studies says that more than "30 percent of the reconstruction money "is being lost to corruption, fraud and mismanagement." I would think that we are way beyond the $9 billion figure. There is no excuse for this kind of mismanagement. We might as well send Ken Lay (from Enron) over to see if he can do better. Read: - Helen Thomas - $9B Goes Missing In Iraq If Bush spent as much time on the Iraq money pit as he does on his social security destruction plan we might have a chance over there. But his misguided priorities may dragging all of us down. I wonder if he has even been told that billions are being wasted. |
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