The Three Commandments
Does the Supreme Court have nothing better to do but appease the evangelical right. The Ten Commandment issue is center stage again. Has anybody arguing these cases actually read the 10 Commandments. I keep hearing how this country was "built" on them , etc... 3 of them are law, don't kill, don't steal and don't commit perjury (bear false witness). The other 7, although good to live by are not in anyway the law of the land. Some even contradict our laws. The 1st commandment (You shall not have other gods besides me, in case you forgot) is contradicted by our 1st amendment establishing freedom of religion. "You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain." Freedom of speech covers that one. I know many people who work on the sabbath. Actually the major religions cannot even agree on what day that is. The founding fathers definitely wanted separation of church and state. Take time to read the many writings available by Jefferson, Franklin, Paine and the others. They were centuries ahead of there time. Some people will pull out a sentence or two that one of the founding fathers said and use that as proof they really wanted religion and government together. There is no doubt they talked, wrote and argued about it. There conclusion was separation of church and state. The Court knows it. |
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