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Friday, October 13, 2006

Is God Green?

Bill Moyers reports on the change of heart by some within the conservative evangelical community. They are becoming environmentalists, a word that their leadership spews out like it's bending down before an idol. For these conservative evangelicals it's a step in the right direction.
They have seen the problems with their own eyes and are taking matters into their own hands. They do not need a government or Jerry Farwell to tell them what to believe and what NOT to do.

This is an excellecent documentary. You can stream it at Moyers on America: Is God Green?

Comments on "Is God Green?"


Blogger Pam said ... (1:17 PM) : 

This is one area that "real" Christians and liberals often agree upon. But of course the media focuses on abortion and other divisive issues (and make them seem black & white when there are numerous gray areas we might agree upon) because they want to make sure that we do not band together and oust the capitalistic criminals!


Blogger researcher said ... (2:54 PM) : 

It is an issue you would think the vast majority would support. But there is still a fight within the evangelical “leadership” to support conservation and the environment.


Blogger Pam said ... (3:17 PM) : 

Well, I did say REAL Christians. As in followers of Jesus Christ. I'm not sure who those other guys follow, but I bet his picture is on a $1,000 bill.


Blogger researcher said ... (3:46 PM) : 

You hit the nail on the head there Pam. That would be The Church of Latter Day Grover Cleveland’s.
(He’s on the $1000 bill)


Blogger Pam said ... (10:41 PM) : 

FUNNY!! Didn't know that about Cleveland. Never actually seen a $1,000 bill though.


Blogger Gracie said ... (4:28 PM) : 

Thanks for posting this info. I've heard about this but didn't know Bill Moyer's had a documentary on the subject. You know if Bill Moyers is involved, I'm interested.


Blogger researcher said ... (4:48 PM) : 

Gracie, I think a lot of people have missed the "Moyers on America" shows. PBS lets you stream the shows after they’ve been on TV which is a great idea. It looks like you can stream most of their shows from NOVA, NOW and Frontline.


Blogger Gracie said ... (2:36 AM) : 

I'm thrilled with that info. He's been a steady voice of reason for years so I always like to hear his views on things. Amy Goodman interviewed him earlier tonight on FSTV so I'm anxious to watch it.

Thanks again for all the info.


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