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Monday, October 16, 2006

It's Not Going To Be "Stay The Course"

How's Bush going to spin this. Pappa Bush sends in his own people to get this crap under control.
Panel to Seek Change on Iraq
A commission backed by Bush has agreed that 'stay the course' is not working, its leader says. A phased withdrawal is one option on the table.
By Doyle McManus, Times Staff Writer
October 16, 2006

WASHINGTON — A commission backed by President Bush that is exploring U.S. options in Iraq intends to propose significant changes in the administration's strategy by early next year, members say.

Two options under consideration would represent reversals of U.S. policy: withdrawing American troops in phases, and bringing neighboring Iran and Syria into a joint effort to stop the fighting.

While it weighs alternatives, the 10-member commission headed by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III has agreed on one principle.

"It's not going to be 'stay the course,' " one participant said. "The bottom line is, [current U.S. policy] isn't working…. There's got to be another way."
If the panel recommends overhauling Bush's approach to Iraq, it could give a boost not only to critics of current policy but also to officials in the administration who have argued for broad changes.

"There'll probably be some things in our report that the administration might not like," Baker said in a television interview last week.

LA Times

Comments on "It's Not Going To Be "Stay The Course""


Blogger pissed off patricia said ... (12:15 PM) : 

Do you think bush will actually do any of the things they suggest? We know he is as stubborn as they get, so will he actually change "the course"?

Their plan sounds an awful lot like the plan the Dems "didn't have", doesn't it? Murtha said almost these same words when he spoke up way back when.


Blogger researcher said ... (12:29 PM) : 

You are right, these “new” plans sound a lot like Murtha’s plans from last year.
Bush will definitely fight against it, kicking and screaming all the way. Then they will find some way to spin it that this is what they have been saying and doing all along.
I think the leaks from Baker and some statements from Warner and others are just laying the ground work for the inevitable "change the course" strategy.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:47 PM) : 

What an unholy mess. I often wonder how anyone associated with creating this monstrosity of a war sleeps at night. But then, my husband reminds me they likely don't have a conscience. And if they ever had a moral compass, it was comprised long ago.


Blogger researcher said ... (8:05 PM) : 

HCG, I think your husband is right. They don't a conscience. Like the title of John Dean's book "Conservatives Without Conscience".


Blogger Gracie said ... (9:36 PM) : 

Every single time I see James Baker's name or face it reminds me of the hijacking of the presidency in 2000.

I'm anxious to read John Dean's new book. He's one of the few I trust these days.


Blogger researcher said ... (9:57 PM) : 

Gracie, I think the same thing. He's the Bush crime family consiglieri. I wonder if he is feeling any remorse now for stealing that election? Only if it's costing the Family some money I suppose.
Poppy Bush finally sent him in to straighten out the mess Fredo's made in Baghdad.

I haven't read Dean's book either but it's on my list.


Blogger Gracie said ... (9:16 PM) : 

Of cause Poppy ALWAYS has to come and shovel up the s**t left behind by the Boyking. Get ready for Babs to come out punching, too.

BTW, Worse Than Watergate was an excellent book in case you haven't read it.


Blogger researcher said ... (10:35 PM) : 

They need to keep Babs inside, she’s like an old Ann Horse Face.


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